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Marc Gardner
Stats: 5’11” 245lbs
Hair: Brown / Eyes: Brown
Location: Lincoln, CA
Willing to travel

Film (representative roles)
The Within
The Break Up
The Choice
Finders Keepers
Bracero Brothers
Last Hour in Jackson
Close Your Eyes
Black Forest
Matrix ‘Reloaded’
Common Scents
The Wedding Planner
Lead – Captain Matthews
Lead – Bobby
Lead – Hamlet Franklin
Lead – Jason Harris
Lead – Business Man
Lead – Jack
Supporting – Principal
Supporting – Officer MacFarland
Supporting – Dr. Grossman
Supporting – Senator Hoggins
Supporting – Bob
featured – Fire Fighter
featured – factory worker
background – man in park
background – wedding guest
Ring22 Entertainment, Dennis Glasco Dir
ITABIZ Productions, Sean Stueve Dir
Capitol Arts & Ent, Mark Hoffman Dir
Ring22 Entertainment, Marc Gardner Dir
Digital Order Prod, Josh Mihal Dir
CSUS, Jennifer Kwan Dir
Northstate Original Prod– Eric Presnall Dir
Serqet C Productions, Christa Bella Dir
James Gang Prod, Ixel Madrigal Dir
One Studios, Jeremy Guinn Dir
BlackForestEntertainment, Matt Pacini Dir
Warner Bros, The Wachowskis Dir
Ninth House Prod, Roger Nygard Dir
20th Century Fox, Harold Ramis Dir
Columbia Pictures, Adam Shankman Dir
I Almost Got Away With It
Nash Bridges (episode 99)
CBS 1999 Fall Launch Promo
Burger Palace Boys
Safety & Self Defense
Featured - Surveillance Cop
Feat extra - phone repairman
Guest Star - Boxing Announcer
Co-star - Doody
Cameo - Myself
Indigo Films, Mike Bruining Dir
CBS, Greg Yaitanes Dir
KOVR 13, Betty Wang Dir
Eric Wheeler Producer
Good Day Sacramento / CW31
Theater (representative roles)
The Vampire – a melodrama
Follow The Narrow Brick Road
The Magic Flute
Cowardly Lion
Dream Curley
Choir boy
Sacramento Theatre
Road Show Performers
Davis Musical Theatre Co.
Davis Musical Theatre Co.
Sacramento Opera Association
Sacramento Opera Association
Local, Regional, National and Web – ** no conflicts **
Commercials & Voice-Over
Great w/ babies, children & animals, I can ride a horse. I can sing. Improv.
Martial Arts / Combat
Close Quarters Combat
Combat Hapkido, Taekwondo
Wrestling, MMA, Weapons
Holds multiple black belts
Baseball, Ping Pong, Cycling, Skiing
Other Experience
Singing Telegrams, Characters for kids parties, Dance Team / Singing Tour Group. Eagle Scout, Mobile DJ, Balloon Creation Artist/Twister, Self Defense Trainer, Multiple Black Belt Holder, Cert Safety Education Instructor, Fight Choreographer , Filmmaker, Director, Web Designer, Father of 5, Caretaker
BS Business Management & Communications, AA Theatre Arts, AS Computer Technology with MCSE, MCSA, MCP, i-Net+, CIW and A+ certs
Training & Workshops
Beau Bonneau
Dennis Glasco
Jeff Tucker, Bob Irvine
Ron Cisneros, Connie Mockenhaupe
Clinton Robinson, Martin Gonzalez
Adam Tirapelle
Leo Green
W.Hock Hochheim
Commercial Techniques
Audition/Scene Study
Scene/Monologue Study
Swing, Jazz, Folk, Modern
UWTA TaeKwonDo
Greco Roman Wrestling
ICHF Combat Hapkido
Close Quarter Combatives
Beau Bonneau Casting
Private Coaching & Training
ARCollege Theatre
Ron Cisneros Dance Studio
Robinson’s TaeKwonDo
Sac High School Varsity
Twin Cities Martial Arts
Scientific Fighting Congress